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Immersive 2-year journey for church leadership teams
By imitating the words, works and ways of Jesus, leaders can develop the rhythms and practices of discipleship that transform culture.
Across a two-year period, the BDC team engage in an immersive learning partnership with your leadership team. Through fortnightly coaching clusters and twice-yearly intensives, they engage your team on an interactive journey to apply the principles and practices of discipleship in your context.
Coaching Clusters
Coaching clusters are an authentic environment to process week-by-week how you are applying and implementing the tools for discipleship and mission. Clusters are comprised of your leadership team of 5-8 people and a BDC Coach, who is a trained practitioner with hands-on experience in the BDC process.
The team journeys together to learn and apply practical skills and strategic insights that equip you to disciple other leaders in your context and release them into mission. Clusters meet for one hour a fortnight and take place via web conferencing.
The two-day BDC Intensives take place every six months and provide space for your leadership team to focus and strategise together.
Intensives offer a tailored environment that enables deeper exploration of concepts, application to your team’s context, cross-team learning, strategic planning and time for waiting on God.
Practical Transformation
By moving beyond theory and putting the tools into practice, leaders begin to see transformation in their own lives, ministry and the lives of those they lead.
Involvement in the BDC process costs approximately $10,000 per church per year. Scholarships are currently available to cover the 70% of the costs.