Sacred Agents #137

Preparing a Gospel Talk

Lots of opportunities to share Jesus come informally, conversationally, and at random moments. But sometimes you’re given a little notice, to prepare a talk about Jesus and his kingdom. How to put it together? There are too many ways to describe. But once you’ve jotted down some thoughts, here’s a few questions you can ask of it:

Is it big enough? The gospel is revolutionary news! Don’t turn it into a mere life-hack (and bear in mind people are generally only expecting life-hacks). ‘Make a tree good,’ says Jesus, ‘and its fruit will be good.’ How freaky is that – that a bad tree can be made good?
Is it small enough? The gospel is news of cosmic proportions. But how does it also touch on the little lives of little people? It’s one thing to describe the enormity of God … and another to say ‘And he’s concerned about you. He’s asked me to come and talk to you.’

Is it long enough? Unless you’ve only been given 5 seconds, you’ll want to say more than just “God loves you.” Tell a story, give an example, describe the response God would like.
Is it short enough? Jesus is the master of this (and, OK, everything). It’s not the way of God to overwhelm people with 181 proofs followed by ‘Checkmate!’ Instead, give enough information to intrigue, to draw out inquisitiveness. Don’t say all your thoughts.

Is it you enough? If you’re old, don’t need to pretend to be young. If you’re not a good speaker, better to apologise (once) and do your best, than to put on a different persona. Be just who you are … trust God to work powerfully even through your weaknesses or ordinariness.
Is it them enough? That said, if you’re old and they’re young, you need to speak in terms that they can get. Think about what life looks like from your hearers’ point of view and be sure to empathise.

Is it telling enough? The gospel is news. There are facts, information that needs to get into their heads and hearts. What do they need to know that perhaps they’ve never been told, or has slipped their minds, or has been suppressed?
Is it asking enough? The gospel is also an invitation. If your hearers can walk away from your talk thinking, ‘Well, that’s nice to know’ – then an opportunity will have been missed. Give some next steps and see who might be willing to take them!

Andrew Turner is Director of Crossover for Australian Baptist Ministries.

Photo: Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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