Fruitful Church Book Cover

Fruitful Church

Book by Andrew Turner: What is real success for a church? What are we aiming for?
If it’s all about size and health, then why did Jesus curse that big, healthy-looking fig tree? Could it be that we are aiming to shape churches that will impress everyone but him? What does a truly fruitful church look like?
Fruitful Church exposes how, ironically, the typical aims of growth and health actually choke real life from churches. It explores an alternative vision that refreshes every aspect of local church life and compels it to awaken from static religious institution towards the dynamic missional movement that God first planted.

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Baptism Resurfaces

Sacred Agents #116: The importance of baptism is re-emerging in our movement, and not before time. It is not a substitute for real discipleship, but a way into it.

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Unclogging the Arteries

Sacred Agents #109: Unclogging the Arteries – Where are you in this story (brought to you by Crowded House and Baptist Insurance Services)?

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Re-membering the Body

Sacred Agents #100: The huge benefits of doing mission together. “If we want people to see Christ, we should show them the body of Christ. Of all the ways that we manage to stuff up the mission God has given us, surely taking it on as an individual rather than team event is the most hapless…”

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Coping with Covid

PRAC Spring 2020: This edition looks at how Baptist churches have responded to the challenges and opportunities of Covid-19. It includes stories of how churches have created virtual online church, built new online congregations, reached out to neighbourhoods meeting needs, changed the structure of their church, and how churches have grown in their digital capability.

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Chaplaincy – Ministry Outside the Church Walls

PRAC Winter 2020: The opportunities for Christians and churches in chaplaincy. We feature both formal, professional chaplaincy roles as well as voluntary roles. We hear from Baptists around Australia engaged in chaplaincy from the beach to prisons, from the high seas to the high street.

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To Put it Bluntly

Sacred Agents #101: My kids tell me that I have a ‘joke voice’, even when I think I’m being dead-pan. But it helps them to totally tune out, laugh politely when I stop talking, and get on with their lives. It would be wrong of me to use my joke voice to alert them to the fire and their need to escape.

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